Extension development for the Google Chrome web browser. You write them using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

This tag is dedicated to questions about extension development for the Google Chrome web browser.

The Chrome extension API is documented here.

Absolute beginners should start here.

A good tutorial video by official Google Developers is available on YouTube

Overview of extension architecture can be read here.

The What's New page lists some of the recent changes to the extension APIs, while the Official Chrome Releases Blog announces new releases of Chrome and Chrome OS. For general updates on the browser, visit the Official Chrome Blog.


Before posting a question, make sure that you've read the API documentation. If some methods are not documented, it may be because they are deprecated.

If necessary, include relevant parts of your manifest.json file in the question.

A common source of errors is the misunderstanding of manifest version 2 and Content Security policy (CSP). Read the documentation for the CSP to see if it answers to your question. The Migrate to Manifest V2 tutorial is also recommended.

For anything not related to development of Chrome extensions, such as issues with publishing in the Chrome Web Store, browse the Chromium-extensions Google group (now read-only). Extension authors with questions about the Chrome Web Store can contact the cws-developer-support team at https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/contact/developer_support/.